TOWN STAR About Proximity Effect and Proximity Radius

This is about the proximity effect and proximity radius of NFT and terrain (ocean, river, mountain, oil field).Tips are also listed.

What is proximity effect?


A proximity effect is an effect that continues to occur permanently at a location.


For example.
If you want to produce “flour” with [windmill], you need 2 pieces of wheat and 1 wood.
Now suppose that the wheat stand gives a wheat supply of +2.
Then the [windmill] will be in a state where it is constantly acquiring 2 pieces of wheat.
As a result, when producing “flour,” 2/2 wheat and 0/1 wood are required, and only 1 wood is needed for the remaining material, allowing for faster production.


Producing a “pumpkin” requires 10 water.
If the effect of [River] is to gain Water +5.
Pumpkin Patch” will always continue to gain Water+5.
As a result, when producing “pumpkins”, 5/10 water is required, and only 5 remaining water is needed, allowing for faster production.


You can check it easily with the “Proximity Effects Popup”.

Proximity Effects pop-upWaterShadeEnergy
PollutionSaltyCrude Oil

What is proximity radius?


These are proximity radius 6 and proximity radius 5.


These are proximity radius 4 and proximity radius 3.


These are proximity radius 2 and proximity radius 1.

Proximity Radius Tips


I’ll show you some tips on proximity radius.


For example, when proximity radius +6.
“?” is how many + ?


Point (1).
The three rows, up, down, left, and right, are.
count down from 6 to 5 to 4 to 3 to 2 to 1.
(3 → 2 → 1 when proximity radius +3)


Point (2)
Of the three rows, up, down, left, and right, the ends go up, down (left and right), and
6→5→4→3→2→1 and so on down.
(3 → 2 → 1 when proximity radius +3)

Combining the two, the proximity radius can be quickly determined.


Point (1) – 1:The right three rows are +6.(White frame area)
Point (1) – 2:These three rows count down from 6 to 5 to 4 to 3 to 2 to 1.Next, countdown from 6 to 5 (red frame)

Point (2):The ends count down from 6 to 5 to 4 to 3 to 2 to 1, up and down (left and right).In this case, we start with 5, so we count down from 5 to 4 to 3.(Blue frame)
The answer is “+3”.

Terrain proximity effects , Special proximity effects


The terrain “river” provides water +5.


The terrain “sea” provides salt +3.


This section explains how to distinguish between oceans and rivers.
The white edge is “sea”.
The brown edge is the “river”.


The terrain “mountain” supplies +5 shadow.


The “oil fields” in the “desert” of the terrain are supply crude oil +4.


Enchanted Beacon of Light removes the effects of shadows.However, it differs from the norm.Proximity effect +5, but only valid from 5~3, 2 and 1 are invalid.


Rare・water pumps supply +3 waterdrum in a radius of 1 (7 squares around).
(The reason for seven squares instead of eight is that one square must always have a water source, such as a pond, river, or ocean.)
Since the normal water pump is drum water + 1, the rare water pump is very efficient.

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